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  • La Porte Jr High Library Services

Open Daily: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

The Bullpup Library has a collection of information and similar resources made accessible to our students. Our book collection is categorized by Fiction & Non-Fiction. 

Books include Fiction: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Drama, Sports, Science Fiction & More!
Non-Fiction: Biographies, Language, Social Sciences, Religion/Mythology, Natural Sciences, Arts, Literature & More!

Our library has a quiet climate where our students can do research, take make-up tests, and also provide a relaxed environment to our students while they focus on reading. Students visit the library bi-weekly with their ELA class but are also welcomed during any class period with the teacher’s approval to return books and/or check out new books.

Please see our links section for more information.

Questions & Answers

  • The library is opened from 7:20 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

    • Please respect your peers and instructors and the holdings (books and equipment) of the library.
    • No moving the furniture.
    • No horse-playing is allowed in the library.
    • No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the library.


    • to provide a collection of instructional materials that support the curriculum maps of LPISD.
    • to provide a non-threatening area for parents to visit using technology to check student grades and/or access interent resources.
    • to provide assistance to students and teachers using materials and reference services for the completion of class assignments, both long-term and short-term projects, homework, and staff development through our reference and professional collections.
    • to provide books for students' reading pleasure (free choice).
    • to provide a safe and friendly enviornment for the personal and educational growth of students, teachers, staff, and administration.

    Fiction and Nonfiction books may be checked out through our circulation desk for a period of two weeks or ten school days. Materials may be renewed unless requested by another person, or if the patron has overdue books or outstanding fines.
    Materials may be returned during the next scheduled class time, or by leaving them on the circulation counter whenever they are finished with the books.

    Overdue notices are distributed every semester. All obligations should be cleared as soon as possible. A student with a library obligation may not check out any more materials until cleared in the library.